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"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between." - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Chorus of Dutch National Opera

The Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera currently has 60 members. The chorus performs both mainstream repertoire and works of contemporary composers, and has collaborated on a number of world premières. The chorus of DNO gained international acclaim in Amsterdam and Salzburg for its role in Schönberg’s Moses und Aron conducted by Pierre Boulez. The Friends of De Nederlandse Opera awarded the chorus with the 1996 Prix d’Amis in recognition of this achievement. The DNO productions The Bassarids, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Castor et Pollux, Ercole amante, Saint François d’Assise, Boris Godunov and Carmen were significant milestones in past seasons. In 2008 the chorus performed the concertante version of Saint François d’Assise at the BBC Proms (Royal Albert Hall). Lately the chorus has given outstanding performances in La Juive, Les Troyens, Turandot, Les vêpres siciliennes, Platée, Legende, Yevgeny Onyegin, Iphigénie en Aulide/Iphigénie en Tauride, Don Carlo and Parsifal. It received plaudits both at home and abroad for its impressive performance in The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia and most recently in Guillaume Tell (prepared by Eberhard Friedrich). The chorus ended its association with artistic director Martin Wright in the 2011-2012 season and has been working with various guest conductors during the 2012-2013 season.

Featured on

Franz Schreker
Der Schatzgräber (reissue)
Dutch National Opera | Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra | Marc Albrecht
Richard Strauss
Der Rosenkavalier
Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht
Richard Strauss
Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht
Franz Schreker
Der Schatzgräber
Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht